Organiza: AEPC (Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology)
Ciudad: Sevilla
14 mayo 2019 – 18 mayo 2019
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The Scientific Program includes multidisciplinary approach to the field of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, the right way to step forward. There will be an important emphasis on latest developments and innovations, but at the same time, focusing on basic and advanced educational opportunities, targeting in junior specialists, trainees, nurses and students. Highlights will include the Update Course on Left ventricle Diseases, and there will be expert invited lectures, exciting sessions of the AEPC Working Groups, interactive sessions and abstracts sessions.
Over the last 50 years our specialties have not only demonstrated an evolution, but even a revolution of diagnostic and interventional techniques, neonates and adult congenital surgery, training management and society influence. Our Congress has been the perfect place to visualize this progress. The city of Seville has all the qualities it takes to guarantee a successful AEPC Annual Meeting and we consider that with the famous Seville atmosphere, we could help in the continuous improvement of our specialties.
Advances in genetics, embryology and basic science
Fetal cardiology
Genetic problems in fetal cardiology
Intensive care management
Non-invasive diagnosis techniques and therapeutic procedures
Percutaneous therapeutic procedures
Novel imaging and surgical techniques
Electrophysiology and arrhythmias of the congenital heart
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
Pulmonary hypertension
Transplantation in Fontan circulation
Psychological aspects of Paediatric and Adult Congenital Cardiology
Sports cardiology, physical activity and prevention
Sudden cardiac death in the young
Childhood cancer and the heart
Joint Session of the Psychosocial, Neurodevelopmental and Nursing Working Groups: Outcome and interaction heart-brain in congenital heart
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